Friday, March 27, 2020

What Are Pokemon Tutor And How Does It Help Me

What Are Pokemon Tutor And How Does It Help MePokemon go is a mobile game, and most people who own it are actually playing it with the help of a Pokemon move tutor. So what is it exactly?Pokemon go is basically a game that allows you to go out and catch a variety of monsters that can be used to battle other players. The best way to explain it is to give an example. Let's say you have a Pokemon that looks like an eevee. You walk up to another player who has an 'elite' or a legendary , and you challenge them to a battle.Let's say that the top Pokemon out of the two of you is Pokemon go will allow you to go into the Pokemon game mode. This will let you do battle with all the monsters you can find in the wild. This is where Pokemon move tutor comes in.The main difference between Pokemon move tutor and the regular version of the game is that you can not only battle the monsters that you catch, but you can teach yourself moves through other ways. There are also other ways to teach yourself moves, but this method is more beneficial to you since it requires a lot less work than what normal would require. The method will allow you to learn the basics of each Pokemon's moves as well as teach you many of the super effective moves that can be used in battle.Pokemon tutor uses the GPS to map your location, which is then used to give you more options. The main types of Pokemon tutor will teach you are: Quick Attack, Quick Guard, Switcheroo, and Quick Stop. These will be useful to you if you want to fight without having to rely on other players to provide you with better tactics and techniques.Pokemon tutor will also be useful for teaching your own moves to your Pokemon. All you need to do is capture the Pokemon and teach it to have the move that you want to teach. Once you are able to do this, you can just start thinking of your own move. Of course, the catch is that it takes a lot of time to actually learn a move since you have to wait until your Pokemon learns that move th rough the move tutor.The best part about Pokemon tutor is that you can use it even in another Pokemon game, so you can practice your moves on the partner Pokemon that is an entirely different type of Pokemon from what you are battling. As a result, you can get better in a specific area without needing to be stuck in a certain level with a specific that you are not familiar with.

Friday, March 6, 2020

English Classes with TED Sir Ken Robinson on Changing Education

English Classes with TED Sir Ken Robinson on Changing Education Were continuing our English Classes using TED talks with a talk by Sir Ken Robinson animated by RSA on the modern education system. According to the TED website, heres why you should listen to what Sir Robinson has to say about education:Sir Robinson.Creativity expert Sir Ken Robinson challenges the way were educating our children. He champions a radical rethink of our school systems, to cultivate creativity and acknowledge multiple types of intelligence.Why dont we get the best out of people? Sir Ken Robinson argues that its because weve been educated to become good workers, rather than creative thinkers. Students with restless minds and bodies far from being cultivated for their energy and curiosity are ignored or even stigmatized, with terrible consequences. We are educating people out of their creativity, Robinson says. Its a message with deep resonance. Robinsons TEDTalk has been distributed widely around the Web since its release in June 2006. The most popular words framing blog posts on his talk? Everyone should watch this.A visionary cultural leader, Sir Ken led the British governments 1998 advisory committee on creative and cultural education, a massive inquiry into the significance of creativity in the educational system and the economy, and was knighted in 2003 for his achievements. His latest book, The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything, a deep look at human creativity and education, was published in January 2009.Below you can watch the animated version of Sir Robinsons talk. This particular talk is not subtitled, but the illustrations should make it much easier to understand. Beneath the video youll find a list of reading questions.What are the two main reasons Sir Robinson says every country is trying to reform education?How has students perception of education changed in recent years?During what period was the modern (European) education system developed?What does Sir Robinson say is Deep in the gene pool of public education ?Where do people start to lose interest in the United States? What does Sir Robinson mean by this?What adjective does Sir Robinson use to describe the ADHD epidemic?According to Sir Robinson, what are we doing to children to get them through education?What does he compare the modern education system to?What is divergent thinking?What happens to our ability to use divergent thinking as we go to school?You can email us your answers, write them in comments, or take an English class with us and discuss this video.

Eagle County Schools

Eagle County Schools Eagle County Schools WHO ARE WE? While we dont mean to brag, were also not shy about living the good life in Eagle County. In fact, we work hard to keep it good. The spirit of Eagle County is embodied in the story of the creation of Vail as a ski resort. Vision. Big dreams. Collaboration. Tenacity. Luck. Commitment. It was a magnet for people who wanted to live on purpose and build a magic valley. Its still such a magnet. Were not for everyone. We dont have malls, a ton of fast food, or twenty cineplexes sprinkled around town. But, what we do have is pretty special. Serving Pre-K through 12th grade students from Vail to Dotsero, including Red Cliff, McCoy, and Bond. Eagle County Schools is an innovative district comprised of 830 professionals engaging nearly 7,000 students. Our vision is to prepare all of our students to be global-ready graduates, who will be successful in their careers or college experience and contribute to their communities in positive and effective ways. The District benchmarks international top performing schools to model practices that lead to success for all students. We believe that the only way to improve learning outcomes for students is through better instruction. Consequently, we focus our efforts on an instructional core of educators, learners, and standards. All actions, initiatives, and efforts are viewed through this lens with the expectation that they must shape one of these three tenets in order to be effective. MISSION We teach the children of Eagle County to have creative and active minds, compassion for others, enthusiasm for lifelong learning, and the courage to act on their dreams. VISION Global-Ready Graduates VALUES Engaged Learners Inspired Professionals A Sense of Adventure A Caring Community A Commitment to Equity AWARDS AND RECOGNITION Eagle Valley High School ranked in the top 10% of high schools across the nation for career and college readiness two years in a row. The District has had three Principals of the Year in Colorado, one Superintendent of the Year, and one English Language Director of the Year. Our schools have been recognized as National Blue Ribbon Schools, John Irwin Schools of Excellence, and with the Governors Distinguished Improvement award from the Colorado Department of Education. DEMOGRAPHICS Even though we believe that we have the absolute best place to work and live in the world, we do have many challenges. And, we need your expertise to help us overcome them and achieve world-class success. Our student population is diverse in both demographics and economic background. With 34.6% of students being English Language Learners compared with the state average of 14.4%, we are also uniquely positioned to evolve into a dual language district with bi-lingual graduates supporting our vision of international competitiveness. While geographically positioned near affluent communities like Vail and Beaver Creek, 42.2% of our students qualify for free and reduced lunch. Our schools and students are supported by active PTAs, local non-profit foundations, youth services-focused organizations, and a variety of private-public partnerships and individual philanthropists. Read more about our Globally Inspired Vision in the Unparalleld Altitude Report ECS Recruting Guide Unparalleled Altitude Altitude in Action View our Brochure

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Teacher Placement Coordinator QA Meet Mia!

Teacher Placement Coordinator QA Meet Mia! Meet Mia! She is one of our incredible Placement Coordinators here at Teach Away. Mia brings to Teach Away her own experience from abroad, having taught English in Spain’s Andalucía region. A year in Spain teaching ESL to 18-20 year-old native Spanish speakers proved to be a challenge, but even more so it was a year that proved to be fun, rewarding, and a great gateway to future career options for Mia.  We had the chance to chat about culture, challenges, language, and advice. Have a read (and note that all these photos were taken during Mia’s trip!):  Describe some differences you noticed between Spanish culture and your own.Mia: One of the main differences I noticed is that Spanish culture is incredibly artistic. It is normal for the streets to be filled with romantic guitar music and the bars to be buzzing with passionate flamenco dancing.  Spain is also home to a number of famous artists and architects, including Picasso and Gaudi, and because of this, you can feel the art istic expression wherever you go.  It’s important for visiting teachers to respect the traditions and cultural practices of their new countries. Were there any unique Spanish traditions that you didn’t know about before arriving?Mia: Before arriving, I was not aware of the grandiose festivals that Spain is famous for. Spanish people love to party and have wild celebrations. One festival that I was lucky to experience was Las Fallas. During the event, enormous doll-like figures are constructed and displayed throughout the city. At the end of the festival, the figures are lit on fire to a raging party. This is only one example of the rowdy festivals that the country is known for.  (Las Fallas festival)  Were you able to speak any Spanish beforehand and how did your Spanish skills develop during your time abroad?Mia: Before leaving, I was enrolled in a few Spanish courses. I entered the country with very basic, elementary level Spanish skills. The program that I was involved in all owed me to continue my Spanish education while I was in the country. Learning the language broadened my experience and helped me to build relationships.  How difficult was communicating with your students?Mia: At times I found communicating with my students to be very challenging. I was fortunate enough to be partnered with a translator, who I was especially grateful for during these times.  Were these language challenges some of the most difficult experiences of living and working in a new country?Mia: Absolutely. The biggest challenge that I faced was the communication barrier. Although I knew elementary level Spanish, it was difficult maintaining fluent conversation with locals in their own language. It’s important to keep in mind that anyone coming to a new country may experience difficulties in communication. Do not get discouraged because your skills will only improve with practice!  Tell me about the most rewarding aspects of your time in Spain.Mia: One of the best parts of my time abroad was getting to meet new people and build relationships. I did my best to take advantage of social situations and tried to say yes to everything.  As a result, I felt as if I was able to build positive friendships based on mutual interests and understandings. I also found that I learned a lot from my colleagues, students, and roommates about language and culture.During my time abroad I also traveled extensively throughout Europe.  The experiences I had and the friends that I made along the way were some extremely rewarding aspects as well.      What should teachers going abroad for the first time do to best prepare for living somewhere new?Mia: Research, research, research! It is your job to know where you are going, both geographically and culturally. Knowing specific details about the region of the world that you are about to enter will help you in the long run. Although it may be difficult, try to go into the situation without expectations and with an open mind. Letting go of preconceived notions will ultimately allow you to have the best experience possible.  As a Placement Coordinator at Teach Away, what traits have you noticed to be especially helpful to successful teach abroad candidatesMia: At Teach Away, we are always looking for individuals who are passionate about teaching, eager to learn, and ready to be challenged. It is our hope that our candidates are flexible and open to new experiences, both in and out of the classroom.    What three pieces of advice would you offer a licensed teacher who has never taught or travelled abroad, but would like to?Mia: First and foremost, it’s very important that you do your research. Take the time to research all available opportunities and the countries that you are interested in. It may also be beneficial to speak with someone who has already taught or traveled abroad; this may allow you to gain a firsthand perspective or helpful advice. I would also recommend that you remain flexible and o pen-minded about your geographic location. Try not to limit yourself and be open to more than one location and opportunity. Lastly, candidates need to be open to both professional and personal growth. Do not be afraid to acquire new skills, expand your teaching repertoire and push yourself out of your comfort zone.  For more from experienced overseas teachers, join us tomorrow at 1pm for Passport to Teach’s final day: Teacher Experiences Fireside Chat. We’ll hear from teachers as they share their experiences abroad and you’ll have the opportunity to ask your questions live! Teachers who have taught in China, Egypt, England, and Korea will be joining us.

Why You Should Take Notes By Hand

Why You Should Take Notes By Hand Attending classes, college lectures or conferences leave your laptop in its bag, or don`t bring it at all. Because if learning is your goal, using a laptop during class is a terrible idea. Try to use traditional tools: paper and a pen and you will find something surprising. Scientific research says youll get much more out of classes when you are taking notes by hand instead of using laptop. Whats more, students perform worse on exams when they use laptops in class. So, whats the reason? Researchers have found that laptop use during class-time might be distracting. In other words, a laptop is whole world of distraction: its so easy to click over to Facebook or buy things on Amazon during the lecture. And even when students arent distracted with their laptops, the act of taking notes using keyboards actually seems to interfere with their ability to remember information. Typing is faster than handwriting for most people and it can come in handy when theres a lot of information. But it turns out the fact that you are slower when you take notes by hand is what makes it more useful for better long-term comprehension. It happens because students on laptops usually just mindlessly type everything a teacher says without extra processing of the material. But students taking notes the old-fashioned way, have to actively listen and select whats important. And this extra processing of the material ultimately benefits them. So, despite of the fact that the idea of taking notes by hand just seems old-fashioned to many students today. There are still advantages of taking notes with a pen and paper. If you want to learn something and remember lectures better maybe you should put your laptop away. And ask our Writing Tutors about simple techniques how to take notes more effectively. Why You Should Take Notes By Hand Attending classes, college lectures or conferences leave your laptop in its bag, or don`t bring it at all. Because if learning is your goal, using a laptop during class is a terrible idea. Try to use traditional tools: paper and a pen and you will find something surprising. Scientific research says youll get much more out of classes when you are taking notes by hand instead of using laptop. Whats more, students perform worse on exams when they use laptops in class. So, whats the reason? Researchers have found that laptop use during class-time might be distracting. In other words, a laptop is whole world of distraction: its so easy to click over to Facebook or buy things on Amazon during the lecture. And even when students arent distracted with their laptops, the act of taking notes using keyboards actually seems to interfere with their ability to remember information. Typing is faster than handwriting for most people and it can come in handy when theres a lot of information. But it turns out the fact that you are slower when you take notes by hand is what makes it more useful for better long-term comprehension. It happens because students on laptops usually just mindlessly type everything a teacher says without extra processing of the material. But students taking notes the old-fashioned way, have to actively listen and select whats important. And this extra processing of the material ultimately benefits them. So, despite of the fact that the idea of taking notes by hand just seems old-fashioned to many students today. There are still advantages of taking notes with a pen and paper. If you want to learn something and remember lectures better maybe you should put your laptop away. And ask our Writing Tutors about simple techniques how to take notes more effectively.

Chemistry Oven - Useful For Every Student to Teach

Chemistry Oven - Useful For Every Student to TeachIt is not uncommon for a lot of science classes at school to be taught using chemistry ovens. Because chemistry is an easy subject to learn, it can easily be taught in a classroom environment, where many students may have no prior chemistry experience.Chemistry ovens are an essential part of any teacher's arsenal for teaching the subject in a classroom setting. Without one, students would have to come up with different ways to bring about the reactions that the teacher is looking for, and this would be very time consuming and often not very accurate.The next step in teaching chemistry would be to allow students to experiment on their own. This can help with maintaining good habits. With this, they would start using the correct reaction that the teacher wants them to use and making sure that they take all necessary precautions when handling chemicals.Students would also make mistakes and use their chemistry ovens to help them learn fro m their mistakes. This would also improve the students' time management, as well as their comprehension and confidence in using their chemistry ovens to conduct experiments.They could also teach their chemistry class students about how to apply the principles of chemistry using various metals and other chemicals. In many cases, these would include creating new combinations to solve chemical problems and a variety of other things.A chemistry oven is also perfect for students who are teaching other science classes at school. If a student wants to teach the chemistry of oil, for example, they would use the right utensil to do so.For cooking classes, a laboratory oven would also be useful. The oven could be used to create different types of foods, ranging from the basic popcorn to kimchi, in various amounts.

Chemistry Combustion - How it Can Help You

Chemistry Combustion - How it Can Help YouChemistry combustion refers to the process in which chemicals react in an environment to produce heat. The process starts with a chemical compound called an oxidant and the gas phase called a clean agent. The reactants become unstable and burn with the heat produced. Chemical reactions occur on a microscopic level in the atmosphere because of the varying levels of oxygen present in the air.Heat from chemical combustion is commonly felt in areas where there is windy conditions. Windy conditions create turbulent conditions, which allow the volatile molecules of the gas to mix. This mixing produces more combustible gases that can then reach the surface. The first reason that a person would look into how to control chemical combustion is because they want to enjoy more space while driving. When it comes to cold temperatures, you don't need to waste your precious fuel.Another common example is when people use the sulfuric acid in home remedies or detergents to clean up their homes. The sulfurous properties allow the cleaning agent to react with the cleaning solvent, which will combine all together, resulting in a beautiful odorless, colorless liquid. The combination of chemicals is what results in the reaction between the cleaner and the cleaning solvent.The use of gas chromatography and high-speed processing equipment has changed the way that people experience some types of chemical reactions. This process involves a chemical compound to be put through the different stages of the chemical process. Once the compound is put through the process, the components of the compound are separated and placed in different bottles that have the specific numbers so that the mixture can be analyzed.The large company that manufactures the equipment has a wide range of products that will help you analyze this compound. There are tests that you can do to test for the reaction time and other variables that can affect the reaction and that you can even add your own customized tests to help you understand the reaction. Since this process is going to be used in your business, you want to ensure that you are fully familiar with the software.This procedure also allows a chemist to separate the compound to be used into smaller parts that are easier to handle. The larger compound makes for more expensive work and this is where the cleaning and the analysis come in. This method allows the product to be cut into pieces that can be easily handled. It also allows the work to be done at a higher speed.When you start talking about this procedure, the application of chemicals is not the only thing that is involved. You will need to take care of the clean up. This can include any type of cleaning fluids that the product may require and you will need to remove the contaminants. In some cases, there are quite a few that you will need to deal with.